I’m at Monster High!
Session Work Jenyi Session Work Jenyi

I’m at Monster High!

This was a really fun and cute project that genuinely got me excited when it came across my inbox. I got to voice the singing voice for Jinafire Long, one of the newest characters at Monster High! When I first got the ask, I was already intrigued by the Mattel name, coming off of the Barbie movie hype (I did dress all in pink to go see the movie in theaters). But then I heard the character brief and I instantly got butterflies. Jinafire is such an badass character; she is a Chinese dragon and she’s got purple hair and can control the weather.

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Reflections from YANG
YANG, New Release Jenyi YANG, New Release Jenyi

Reflections from YANG

My EP “YANG” is finally out, 4 years after I first started piecing it together. The oldest song on the album is from 2019. I’m not sure why it took this long. I realized I had been waiting for some stroke of luck. Some windfall of change, or some moment when I would finally feel ready. But I don’t want to live my life like that anymore, on the starting lines.

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